Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Session 01 - Sin and Death

For the year 2010 we have started a new series of indepth discipleship sessions with the intention of raising and preparing and equipping sons and daughters of the Kingdom who will serve the full purpose of God in the public realms of mainstream society including manifesting the reign of Christ in the realms of business, economics, politics, arts, humanities, social sectors, higher education, university life and advanced research . You can access the audio recordings of these dynamic sessions from
HERE . The first session begins with 'SIN AND DEATH' i.e. with discovering ourselves before God.

1 comment:

Rowan Moses said...

To build the kingdom of God one needs to know who he truely is, we have defined ourselves based on the influence of culture, society, philosophy etc....The session on "Sin and Death" teaches us how our creator defines our true nature. We as human beings need to know who we really are in order for us to know the seriousness of the cross and promote the kingdom of God with fear and trembling.

For people who are new to this- This session is a theologically accurate and well thought out teaching based on the traditions of the Apostolic church and the early church fathers. It is a sincere attempt to renew the teachings of the Church and Biblical accounts with respect to the all important "Call for discipleship".